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Community & Continuous Improvement

We started with the history of cATO. Unfortunately, the implementations went quite stale since Kessel Run got their memorandum signed. This is a leadership problem, but the community can help fix it. Continuous improvement was not prioritized, as most leaders saw the implementation as a means to continuously deploy software instead of a means to continuously improve security and privacy outcomes. Once they could ship on demand, the mission was labeled “done”.

We shared our internal playbook with the community to help get it moving forward again. In return, we ask you to use it for good and contribute back. Use it to communicate the benefits beyond just being able to ship software faster, but as a means to improve security and privacy outcomes while enabling continuous delivery. Get leaders to invest in continuous improvement of RMF.

When you do, share your new implementations, plays, automations, and lessons learned! We will be creating a formal open source community around RMF for continuous delivery, and will provide ways for you to contribute as we advance the cause, together.

Together, we rise!